Hopefully, you’ve received a copy of the 2022 MedBen Client Report in the mail or downloaded it from MedBen.com… but if not, here’s a link so you can read it now!
As President Kurt Harden states in his opening note, “MedBen introduced new solutions and improved existing ones, all with an eye on producing real results – enhanced services and bigger savings.” In this year’s Client Report, you’ll learn how…

  • MedBen’s leading-edge forensic claims review saves clients an average of 51.0% on targeted claims over and above the PPO discount.
  • The pricing control and consistency of alternative reimbursement strategies like direct-to-employer contracting and reference-based pricing allow clients to outperform traditional PPO plans by an average of 21.2%.
  • By using comparative effectiveness to match members with the right medications, MedBen Rx clients spend an average of 22.2% less than those who don’t.
  • Greater wellness compliance enables MedBen WellLiving clients to spend 6.2% less on average than non-WellLiving clients.

There’s more, but we encourage you to download the report and see all the solutions and results for yourself!
One more thing: If you haven’t received a print copy of the Client Report but would like one (or more), just contact MedBen Marketing Project Coordinator Jess Schmidt at jschmidt@medben.com.