A reminder as 2023 comes to a close: MedBen Analytics offers 1) an interactive employer dashboard and 2) a variety of customizable, downloadable reports, enabling you to get actionable information about the past 12 months.

  1. The employer dashboard is actually two dashboards rolled into one – Financial (medical and pharmacy claims, specialty drugs, and admissions) and Utilization (ER visits, admissions, and outpatient imaging). By choosing from the sidebar menu, you instantly generate charts and graphs using your selected date ranges and benchmarks.
  2. The report library can be filtered by specific accounts and populations and compared to prior periods using up to five years of data. These reports incorporate predictive modeling that forecasts future activity, to help you make informed decisions about plan changes for 2024.

If you haven’t used MedBen Analytics in a while, we encourage you to log in and give it a spin. The dashboard is designed to be intuitive, but if you need help, just contact your Account Management team… they’ll be happy to assist you.