Hypertension’s link to heart disease and stroke is well documented. But it’s lesser known that high blood pressure can lead to kidney disease, vision loss, and peripheral artery disease (narrowed arteries in the legs, arms, stomach and head).

Controlling hypertension starts at home, as smart lifestyle choices go a long way toward keeping blood pressure in the healthy range. Additionally, a recent study shows that regular self-testing with a blood pressure monitor can help reduce heart attack cases by about 5% and stroke cases by almost 4% over 20 years.

However, the best defense against high blood pressure is to combine healthy habits with professional care. Through annual visits to your family doctor, you can maintain a low blood pressure… and in turn, reduce your risk of a major cardiovascular event by 20%.

MedBen WellLiving is a great asset in helping your plan members be proactive about keeping hypertension in check. Preventing high blood pressure, or detecting it as early as possible, can mean the difference between a clean bill of health and a costly chronic condition. Give us a call at 888-627-8683 to learn more.

The American Heart Association offers a Daily Log you can use to monitor your blood pressure. For best results, the AHA recommends measuring your blood pressure twice a day – morning and late afternoon – at about the same times every day.