A new report from the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network predicts that 1.8 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2020 at a cost of $200.7 billion. Almost 17 million Americans living today have a cancer history.

Employers can help reduce cancer risk by promoting regular screenings through MedBen WellLiving. Comparing screening compliance for WellLiving clients to national norms during the past year, we found that WellLiving clients had a 32.5% higher compliance for colonoscopies, 17.8% higher for pap smears, and 15.7% higher for mammograms.

Through early detection and prevention of cancer and other conditions, MedBen WellLiving clients spend an average of 7.6% less compared to those who don’t use WellLiving. And wellness reports track testing compliance, so clients can see the relationship between cancer screenings and claim costs.
MedBen WellLiving delivers healthier workplaces while saving you money. Learn the benefits of our wellness program by contacting MedBen Sales & Marketing at 888-627-8683.