teamwork handsA recent article notes that small-business owners, are increasingly concerned with health coverage and cost. While this is true, at MedBen, we know that it’s not just smaller employers, but also large employers, that face challenges in an ever-changing health benefits world.

For over 80 years, we have partnered with agents and clients, serving them as their third-party administrator, managing tasks from claim processing to reviewing plan language to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Through our experience, we’ve realized that clients only have one thing in common: self-funding offers a solution for their concerns.

Through self-funding, our clients find refuge in flexibility with plan design, tailoring plans to overcome obstacles in their path. It has allowed our clients to set the bar high, but also keep costs at a manageable level. In fact, our average claim cost increase from 2018 to 2019 per employee for the entire block of business was a mere 0.4%… our clients even realized a decrease per-member on pharmacy spending for the same timeframe.

These statistics only reflect a portion of MedBen’s services. If you’d like to speak with one of our Regional Sales Mangers about self-funding solutions, contact Sales and Marketing at 1-888-623-2365.