In conjunction with its new 2022 Employer Health Benefits Survey, KFF has created an interactive graphing tool that enables you to view U.S. employee cost trends by employer-sponsored coverage. The tool allows users to study changes in premiums and worker contributions by population size, industry, and other factors.

For example: Using the tool, we determined that for self-funded groups nationally, single worker contributions from 2018 to 2022

  • Size: Small employers (3-199 workers) trended at 4.2%, while large employers (200+ workers) trended at 4.3%. (See chart below.)
  • Industry: Government employers trended at -3.3%, health care at 3.9%, and manufacturing at 0.5%.
  • Region: Midwest employers trended at 0.1%, and Northeast employers at 7.0%.

We encourage you to try it out for yourself… you can explore premiums and worker contributions going as far back as 1999 and see how your own plan activity compares to national trends.