Last year, MedBen Rx announced a new program that would enable clients to purchase Idacio, a biosimilar version of the anti-inflammatory therapy Humira – a drug that typically costs between $6,000 and $12,000 per month depending on the dose – for under $1,000 per month. At the MedBen University Private Employer Roundtable on April 11, President & CEO updated attendees on the program’s progress.

“Year to date in 2024, clients have saved $3.28 million in annualized cost, just by switching members from taking Humira on a monthly basis to taking Idacio,” Harden said.

Biosimilars are genetically engineered versions of FDA-approved biologic medications, typically manufactured from living cells. While not identical to the original biologic, biosimilars are just as effective as brand-name drugs, and are available at a substantially lower cost.

Harden stressed that this program comes at no additional cost to clients, so all savings go back to the pharmacy plan. “We didn’t charge clients a fee for this or take a single percentage in savings,” he said.

If you are a MedBen Rx client and you haven’t opted into the Humira biosimilar program, it’s easy to do… just contact your Account Management team.