It’s hardly shocking that in a new national benefits employer survey, 29 percent of respondents cited “reducing costs” as the most important consideration for employee benefit decisions. However, the steps some employers are using to lower their health plan spend may come as a surprise… though hopefully not to MedBen clients.

According to, here are three “lesser-known” methods employers are using to bring down their health care costs down – all of which are already offered by MedBen.

Narrower networks of care. MedBen offers networks in which health systems bill the plan at agreed-upon rates in exchange for exclusivity or preferred status. We’ve contracted with providers across the Midwest and continue to gain access to exclusive direct-to-employer contracting.

Managing specialty pharmacy costs. MedBen Rx manages high-priced specialty drugs through our benefit preservation program. Patient advocates work to reduce costs to the greatest extent possible through the use of available manufacturers’ assistance opportunities.

Re-evaluating spousal benefits eligibility. Over one-third of MedBen clients have a spousal eligibility limitation in their plan, which range from surcharges and waivers to exclusion of spousal coverage. MedBen helps clients implement a limitation strategy that best fits their benefit goals. 

Of course, MedBen offers many other proven ways to lower your health care spend while maintaining – or even improving – your benefit coverage. Call (888) 627-8683 to learn about ways we can help you get the most from your self-funded plan.