Blood PressurePracticing timely preventive care saved MedBen WellLiving clients 7.8% on average per-employee claim costs in 2019 compared to non-WellLiving clients.

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the top one percent of health care spenders accounted for 22 percent of health care expenses in 2017, averaging over $160,000 per person. Nearly 40% of those expenses resulted from inpatient stays, some of which could have been avoided through disease prevention and early detection.

MedBen WellLiving works with clients to ensure plan members get timely screenings for chronic conditions. This can help to prevent long-term effects that may have otherwise gone undetected, resulting in expensive inpatient procedures.

Plus, MedBen WellLiving reporting enables clients to track changes in overall population health, so you can see in pure dollars-and-cents how wellness benefits your business financially.

If you want proven solutions to improve employee health and avoid costly care, call MedBen Sales & Marketing at 888-627-8683.