Mar 1, 2023 | Announcements, Cost Savings, Employer Dashboard, HealthJoy, Reporting, Savings
HealthJoy Enhanced Navigation has augmented its technology experience with performance reporting updates and other enhancements now available in the Employer Dashboard. These improvements will provide you with greater visibility into member behavior and a more direct...
Oct 29, 2022 | Employer Dashboard, MedBen Analytics, Reporting
Take control of your plan with the MedBen Analytics employer dashboard. Using your data, our dashboard allows you to: Track claim trends. Examine past claims experience and what’s happening nowForecast future claims. Use our predictive...
Jun 28, 2021 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Case Studies, Client Report, Client Services, Coronavirus, Cost Savings, COVID-19, Customer Service, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Employer Dashboard, Kurt Harden, MedBen Access, MedBen Analytics, MedBen Employees, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving,, Mobile App, Online Services, Reference-Based Pricing, Third party administration
The 2021 MedBen Client Report is now available for download at In addition to detailing the ways that our clients are spending less on health care, this year’s Client Report highlights the priority MedBen places on client service: Members connect to...
May 4, 2021 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Client Report, COVID-19, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Employer Dashboard, Health Plan Management, MedBen Analytics, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving, Plan Design, Reference-Based Pricing, Rx Costs, Savings, Third party administration
In the 2021 MedBen Client Report, we look at how MedBen continues to provide superior service and cost savings regardless of circumstances. You will find examples of how MedBen delivers the best claims management, plan design and reimbursement strategies, expanded...
Apr 30, 2021 | COVID-19, Employer Dashboard, MedBen Analytics
The MedBen Analytics Employer Dashboard is actually three dashboards – Financial, Utilization, and COVID-19 – rolled into one. By choosing from the sidebar menu, you instantly generate interactive charts and graphs using your selected date ranges and benchmarks. With...
Jan 25, 2021 | Employer Dashboard, MedBen Analytics, Online Services, Reporting
The MedBen Analytics Employer Dashboard allows you to see how your plan is performing right at your fingertips. The employer dashboard is: Customizable – You choose the data that is most important to you to view in one central location. Interactive – You can compare...