Getting Down to the (MedBen) Basics
Apr 25, 2023 | Coinsurance, Copayments, Deductibles, Explanation of benefits (EOB), ID Card, MedBen Access, MedBen Basics, MedBen Rx, Mobile App, Online Services, Plan members, Prescription Portal
Health benefits management can be a complicated business, but that doesn’t mean it has to be. To help make things a bit more clear cut, MedBen offers dozens of MedBen Basic handouts on a variety of topics. While many of our Basics are directed at plan...Plan Administrators Can Now Print Member ID Cards from MedBen Access
Feb 2, 2023 | ID Card, MedBen Access, Online Services, Plan administrators, Plan members
Plan members have always had the ability to print their ID cards, but now employers can do so as well! A new feature on the desktop version of MedBen Access allows plan administrators to select, download and print member ID cards in just a few simple steps. Both...Search the Blog
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